Broadcast Journalism
As a medium for journalistic expression, video was something I always enjoyed seeing but didn't often pursue as an avenue for publication. However, the ODYSSEY places a great deal of emphasis on training staffers for broadcast journalism, ensuring that I have learned -- and am still learning -- more than the final products I've worked with suggest.
CCHS Football Alumni Video
I knew students engaged more with video than other forms of media, so I wanted to produce a video when it came time to run the annual Classic City Championship package. For me, the package content had become repetitive, and I wanted to spice it up with a video featuring interviews with former Clarke Central High School football players speaking on what it meant to play against crosstown rival Cedar Shoals High School. I managed to get three alumni to the school, filming all of them at a three-quarter profile in the Billy Henderson Stadium stands to add context. To keep viewers engaged, I made sure no clips were longer than 10 seconds, changing audio and video as much as possible to maintain a cohesive narrative.
Homecoming Hype Video
Another collaboration between Kendarius and me, this video was a man-on-the-street style form where Kendarius asked students and staff around the school what their favorite CCHS sporting memory was while I filmed. We didn’t originally plan to make a video, but after a consultation with our adviser, we decided to change course, so I sequenced the clips together and added music, eventualluy publishing it on the Instagram.
Coaching Spotlight: David Perno
The video spotlighted head varsity football coach David Perno amidst a difficult season for him and asked him about his coaching philosophy. The video went through a lot of drafts with Sports Staffer Kendarius Butts, before I finished editing it and had it published, forcing me to think about the order of shots and the timing of them with the music.
What's your favorite CCHS sporting memory?
Another collaboration between Kendarius and me, this video was a man-on-the-street style form where Kendarius asked students and staff around the school what their favorite CCHS sporting memory was while I filmed. We didn’t originally plan to make a video, but after a consultation with our adviser, we decided to change course, so I sequenced the clips together and added music, eventualluy publishing it on the Instagram.
Social Media Carousels
As a staff, we did these a several times with different hosts, with me often filming or editing on the back end. However, in this preview of the upcoming Classic City Championship, I was the on-air talent, meaning I bore the brunt of the responsibility to get the students engaged. Tying into diversity, in this video, I tried to select a mix of students by race, gender, and grade level to ensure a variety of perspectives were included.